Video data in a digital 3D room

Digital Art • Designer & Developer • Switzerland 2014
My Role:

Research, Testing, Prototyping, Design, Video editing




Solo project


1 month

This project was at the beginning an experiment about what else is possible to do with videos. A video consists of various pixels, which vary in color and contrast. These data can be used to position a pixel in a 3-dimensional room creating completely new and fascinating pictures and videos based on the observer's location. The video below presents some of the most interesting views that I have generated through experiments on various video data.

Through more experiments, I discovered that in these pixel worlds, I can create surfaces between different pixels.   This has created many more advanced forms to explore. Many of these different shapes and patterns can be viewed in a book that can be found in the link below.

Read the Book to the Project here!

The Project was published as the idea of the year in 2015 on “Arte Creative”.